Best Practise

Vision for Volunteering - A collaboration across the voluntary and community sector that looks at what volunteering could and should like, and how we can play a part in it.

NVCO - IiV Standard (Investing in Volunteers) outlines the 6 Quality Areas for Investing in Volunteers.

NCVO - Understanding volunteering and involving volunteers.


Our Bright Future - A practical guide to embedding young trustees in your Governance.

The Charity Commission - Guidance on finding new trustees.

Association of Chairs - This guide focuses entirely on the Chair’s perspective and the particular challenges and opportunities of the role.  

Trustees' Week - Find events, webinars and resources for Trustees' Week and beyond.

ERVAS - Trustee Toolkit including examples and templates.


The National Lottery - An example of equality principles and policy that can be applied to voluntary organisations.

Charity Commission - Looks at how to support equality, diversity and inclusion into a volunteering workforce.

DBS - Find out if you need a DBS check for your employee or volunteer.

Ann Craft Trust - Guidance for DBS Checks in Sport: Working with Adults.

Administration and policies

Buddle - Turning policies into practice can improve the running, management, and culture of an organisation. 

The Prince’s Trust - Examples and templates of volunteering policies.

Helpforce - Examples and templates of volunteer role descriptions.

ERVAS - Volunteer Toolkit including examples and templates.

Food safety

Online Food Safety Training - Free online training courses for businesses, including allergen training and food labelling courses.

Food safety awareness - eLearning - Food safety training to improve knowledge and understanding for personal reasons or for employment within a catering and hospitality setting.

Food safety advice - Advice for consumers on food safety and food standards issues.

Sports Clubs

Buddle -  Free resources, support, guidance and workshops for grassroots sports clubs, groups and community organisations and the professional workforce that supports them.

Yorkshire & Humber Learning Community - A range of free bitesize online learning for anyone delivering exercise, sport or wellbeing in a community setting, club or school, all delivered by experts in the field.

Sports Governance Academy - Governance support hub for the sports and physical activity sector.

Sport England - Advice on getting your sport volunteering project or organisation started.

Miscellaneous - An up-to-date, easy to read resource setting out some of the key facts about modern slavery. It may help inform staff as part of a wider awareness raising programme.

National Academy for Social Prescribing - 7 ways to make volunteering work with social prescribing.

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