Improving Meadows and Woodlands

Join in at the reserve:

Join in a new conservation project at the Humber Bridge Country Park.

It’s called Improving Meadows and Woodlands, and yes that’s exactly what’s it’s about!

We’ll be planting 4000 wildflowers and 120 trees on the nature reserve. There’s plenty of ways for you to take part as a volunteer or by attending an event.

What's coming up?

Love Your Meadow planting weekend

Saturday 26 to Monday 28 October

Take part in a community wildflower planting weekend in the meadow. Flowers and their nectar are fantastic for bees and butterflies and the new plants are especially suited to this chalky habitat. It’s a home for so many birds and mammals, many of them like hedgehogs thrill us when we are lucky enough to catch a glimpse. Help to prepare the meadow or plant the flowers, and there’s family friendly activities too. We’d love you to lend a hand at our Love Your Meadow events.

Use our online booking to reserve a free tray of flowers for the time and day you want to come along.

Tree planting weekends

Dates coming soon:

Take part in a community tree planting weekend to replace the trees that have been lost in the country park through ash die back disease. Sadly several trees didn’t survive last year’s winter flooding, and these will be replaced with willow and alder trees which are able to thrive in wetter environments.

Time 2 Volunteer

Interested in volunteering regularly? The team and volunteers are on the reserve every Wednesday and Saturday. Learn how to harvest seeds from the flowers, nurture new plants in the greenhouse, build a brash wall to protect the new trees or help record wildlife.

Be a nature reserve volunteer and really make a difference to our wonderful natural world!

All current opportunities are listed on the Time2Volunteer website.

Funded and delivered by

Smile Foundation Hull CVS, community and voluntary services East Riding of Yorkshire Counsil Hull City Counsil
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